StayUMC : Bethany UMC a proven record for fostering deep discipleship

StayUMC Recommends Voting NO TO DISAFFILIATION.   The UMC is a proven, low risk and strong evangelical partner that aligns with values and principles of Bethany's diverse members.

Bethany and the UMC have proven record for fostering deep discipleship

  • The Bethany United Methodist Church has a proven record of building strong disciples for the world  based on the Word of Jesus Christ.  On discipleship, Bethany has been and will continue to be an amazing example of the strength to the UMC.   

  • Let us all remember ...

    • our Emmaus Walks together with others in UMC, 
    • our confirmands who joined Bethany and the UMC,
    • our baptisms and continued UMC family growth, 
    • our connection with UMCOR call to action, 
    • our work with United Methodist men and women, 
    • our Volunteer In Missional (VIM) walks with UMC, 
    • our connections with different cultures across UMC churches,  and 
    • our discipleship walks with hundreds of UMC groups. 

  • GMC allies:, Wesleyan and UMC traditions are a key part of our strength and the foundation for our discipleship. We need your presence to help us uphold our traditions.  Together we are stronger.  Forgive those of us that in our drive to expand the Holy Spirit we may have hurt some traditionalist members.  We believe an independent church will not be as tightly connected to the Wesleyan traditions of the United Methodist body. 

Above all else we pray our words bring glory to God and love to our community.   Let no words on this blog burden anyone's beliefs.  Finally, we pray God's Will be done by each of us voting their conscience.


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