Q1: What does MCC offer; what doesn't UMC offer?

When the leader of MCC was asked what prevents Bethany UMC from doing everything MCC is doing, he replied: Nothing

Simply, we can stay within UMC and do everything the same as MCC.   And several of the lead team members in their presentation stated Bethany is already acting independent.   So #StayUMC see no value to choosing the independent route.  

Now some people point to 2 differences:

A. Sexuality: MCC declares marriage is between a man and a women, no LGBTQ clergy/marriages. 

  • Today UMC has the same discipline in the Book of Discipline, and traditional clergy are empowered to their conscience. 
  • MCC stressed that it is very open, inviting and welcoming of LGBTQ
  • The lead team committed: "change is needed"; we are all committed to finding a solution regardless of the vote.
  • The independent choice perpetuates the struggle within BUMC and does very little to reconcile our groups.  See Question 2 - MCC on sexuality

    No Difference

B. No Apportionments (at startup)

  • This is a tricky one with many dimensions.  We need to be wise stewards with the reality of our blessings. 
  • MCC stated that they still put funds aside for Missions and being active in the community
  • MCC does expect that apportionments will come in the future to grow its network.
  • The #StayUMC believes the independence choice is being penny wise and dollar foolish

    No Real Difference

The #StayUMC recommends we stay with the UMC as it offers the most stable path and wisest stewardship for staying together. 


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