Q2. Does MCC welcome, affirm or exclude LGBTQ?

A recent FB discussion raised a few points:

  • A church can not welcome the LGBTQ community if it is founded on the basis of excluding them, and after some discussions it was clarified 
  • "MCC is not founded on exclusion but rather any church borne out of disaffiliation will be founded on exclusion". 
From these the core questions are:
  • What does the MCC doctrinal book say about sexuality and specifically on gay marriage/clergy events?
  • How will sexuality issues be practically handled in the MCC?
  • What is the difference between UMC and MCC in practical terms?

These are complex questions and we invite the lead team and others to comment.   

For the first question, 2 reference points are provided below based on A. MCC "Doctrine & Order" book and B. statements by MCC leaders.  MCC should be commended for trying bring sides together.  Still, the conflict is clear. 

For the second, no one really know how MCC will handle the divide on sexuality except to verbally say -  we will not let such issues divide us.   The doctrinal statement are clear that the MCC is conflicted about affirming LGBTQ community.   The verbal statements support that they will "welcome and love" LGBTQ but stop at affirming LGBTQ rights to equality in marriage/ordination.   It must be stated - the history of protestant independent churches is that they ultimately fall into traditional exclusionary practices. 

Finally, in practical terms there is no real difference today between the UMC and MCC on sexuality.   Both have doctrinal/disciple books that emphasize the traditional view of marriage being between man/women.   Everyone expects UMC their books to be changed over time but traditionalist should not fear such changes.   It not about sexuality, it is about honoring the conscience of everyone within the connectional network. Both UMC/MCC are seeking paths to be "flexible" but there is little hope that MCC will allow the conscience of clergy or of local churches in  affirming LGBTQ rights.   

Simply, UMC is the best viable option for a true open, welcoming and affirming christian community.  Choosing disaffiliation re-affirms leadership behaviors of the past 10 years and goes against the "need for change". The lead team stated they are committed to change.  The LGBTQ community will not trust Bethany without real evidence of these change   The UMC is the evidence.   The UMC offers the greatest hope flexibility, connection  and ability for traditionalist and progressive clergy/lay to stay together.   


A. Search for "Marriage" within the from MCC's "Doctrines & Order" book 

    • Early Methodists were very much aware, of course, that God’s eternal Word never has been, nor can be, exhaustively  expressed in any single form of words. 
    • Articles of Faith s
      • Starts with the origins of the 
      • 1571 - 1st draft Church of England
      • 1784 - Wesley revision, 24 articles
      • 1808 - adopted by GC
      • 1939 - Uniting Conference, revision
      • Article XXI - Of the Marriage of Minister
        The ministers of Christ are not commanded by God's law either to vow the estate of single life, or to  abstain from marriage; therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own  discretion, as they shall judge the same to serve best to godliness. 
    • Our Social Witness 
      • Scripture and historic Christian tradition lift marriage between one man and one woman as the proper  relationship for human sexuality(Matthew 19:4-6). 
      • Matthew 19:
        “Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?”
        4-6 He answered, “Haven’t you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.”

B. Statements by MCC leaders at Aug (starting at 1:37)

  • QUESTION: a part of your standards where it says an option for supplemental book of discipline (from future UMC)
    ANSWER : 
    • we need to agree is we will not do anything that breaches the original agreement 
    • for instance that marriage is between a man and a woman  - we agree to do that 

  • QUESTION the basic traditional Wesleyan Doctrine will be a part of the church,  no matter what
    ANSWER: that's correct

  • QUESTION: ...asking for a little bit more of clarification ... individual churches have an opportunity to say perform a ceremony between LGBTQ members?   Is that something that can be decided by the local church or is that something that then reflects back to the MCC Book of Doctrine (says man and woman)
    • right now, to keep each local church from having to fight that issue - gay ceremonies will not be be happening.  We love and we welcome all. 
    • But part of the marriage issue we will not officiate.  
    • We will follow the standards that we have lived under the current discipline now that we would not be officiating those at the church.
    • We have great guidelines in our conference when we go off-site - what can and cannot be done.  
    • We would not have ordained gay clergy either
    • that's where we are.


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