BUMC Questions
Questions on Operational Video - 2023.09.08
Bethany United Methodist Church - Austin, dear church family I just saw the "disaffiliation operational video" sent via email... what are we doing?
More confused then ever before -- my biggest question:
Is there NO SINGLE leader that will speak for the UMC? Speak for fairness?
I feel the video would have been more authentic if each officials would...
a) Be truthful as too how they voted in the surveys: (GMC, UMC)?
b) How will the "Changes Needed" impact each of the groups (SPRC, Finance, and Trustees) - regardless of the vote?
c) Are the groups (SPRC and Trustees) committed to the "Changes Needed" at all?
I truly respect the difficult job of each official and honor their personal views... I am very ok with their personal views... but y'all (Neil McCulloch, Jim Murray, Bill Detamore) are speaking in official capacity to a diverse congregation. Do you understand why so MANY are going to vote #StayUMC? Can you speak to how great will it be when we vote for UMC?
Have officials considered how exciting it will be to be in the UMC and "being in the middle", "opening campus to others", outreach in the local community, shaping new networks? I am super excited about a super inclusive UMC church.
Where is the Spirit truly? Do leaders not see how much pain continues to inflicted without a fair and balanced sharing of information? Where is the authenticity and trust in the Spirit to share all views.
Please help...
Questions to Trustees 2023.09.08
Bethany United Methodist Church - Austin,
Neil McCulloch - pls help...
What groups and activities are prevented by the UMC that the independent group will allow?
- I am SO happy the trustees are now committed to inclusive changes to allow LGBTQ support groups to be formed and meet on premise. Regardless of how we vote.
- I am SO happy the trustees are now committed to inclusive changes to allow UWSA (Undoing White Supremacy Austin) groups to form and meet on premise. Regardless of how we vote.
- I am SO happy the trustees are now committed to inclusive changes to allow Justice for our Neighbors immigration groups to form and meet on premise. Regardless of how we vote.
Top 3 Questions - Operational Video - 2023.09.09
Bethany United Methodist Church - Austin, I've been glancing at the intro paragraph to the TOP 3 Questions for Operations and the claim that we've been operating independently from the UMC already. WOW, I never heard this in the 20+ years I've been with BUMC.
Gotta ask: What ARE WE DOING?
The intro words seem to shows the mindset that it is ok to be an island - we can stand on our own. Seem like folly to me???
1. aren't we down in membership over the last 10 years?
2. aren't we are down in revenues over the last 3+ years?
3. haven't we moved into a high debt ratio since the new buildings?
4. hasn't the UMC guided and educated the entire operations team based on 200yr old management system (Book of Disciplines)?
5. when we wanted to address our pains (growing/new bldg) - who did we turn too? Hint: UMC resources.
Please God, help me, I am so confused.
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