Q5. Where are the GMC allies?

Since the "Pause (Survey#2)" we have not received any information on what has happened to the GMC option?  

At the AdBoard meeting the  lead team provided very broad (and some may say misleading) statements about the options after having a very 3hr long meeting the day before:

  •  the UMC option
    • the lead team firmly believes will continue to maintain and grow a more Progressive
    • position that may feel alienating to some of our traditionalist brothers and sisters 
  • the GMC option 
    • we know what they're about we know what they believe and where they support
    • that's going to be alienating to some of our Progressive brothers and sisters 
    • we feel like there's not enough room there for the rest of our congregation
  • all three options are unacceptable to "some", 
  • our goal here is balance

The lead team continues to not understand unity in a culture of diversity - as a strong advocate FOR STAYING UNITED METHODIST and FOR being Bethany Family

  • traditionalist DO NOT alienate us, 
  • progressives DO NOT alienate us,
  • moderates DO NOT alienate us.

Every view should be affirmed, welcomed and celebrated.  Here is why:

  1. If staying together is all about avoiding alienation then perpetuate division and are incapable of embracing/celebrating the blessings of having different views present.   

  2. The lead team's commitment and statement "Acknowledging the Need for Change" runs completely counter to the GMC allies.   And we only hear silence from GMC allies.   In reality, we need to understand that GMC allies are going have a hard time with the changes coming to united methodist, eg. seeing LGBTQ couples teaching the youth. 

  3. The lead team recommendations come down to avoid dealing with our family's diverse views. And at best the independence option becomes an empty promise to avoid the real change.    If real change is to come, then we need to hear all leaders, especially GMC allies speaking publicly and advocating for the changes needed.   The silence of the GMC allies speaks volumes. 

  4. Why is there silence from the GMC allies?   Clearly something has happened that is not clear.   

I've talked with several and started attending classes to listen to others.  The one question everyone is asking is - what happened to the GMC option?

I am seeking to find the noble intent from all of this but the lack of transparency on the GMC option is hurting us.   


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